What We Do
Our Focus on Children, Women and Youths
Majority of the world’s poorest billion people are women and youths.
The National Bureau of Statistics said in 2012 that 54 percent (more than half) of Nigerian Youths were unemployed, and this has an increasing trend. The report said that of this figure “females stood 51.9 percent compared to their male counterpart with 48.1 percent”, who were unemployed.
Youths accounts for 60 percent of the unemployed in Africa (World Bank).
Sub-Saharan Africa’s poverty rate is at 43%. Extreme poverty is defined as living with an income of less than US$1.90 per day, findings shows that about 1.4 billion people in the developing world were living below US$1.25 a day says World Bank.
Across Sub-Saharan Africa the unemployment rate for women is 16 percent compared to 14 percent for men
International Labour Organization reports that up to 82 percent of African workers are “ working poor”.
The Nigerian Food Consumption and Nutrition status Survey showed that nationally, 42 percent of children were stunted, 25 percent underweight and 9 percent wasted.
We focus on community development projects that are sustainable and locally appropriate. Elshaddai Life Support Initiatives ranges from feeding the malnourished children, helping communities hit by natural disasters rebuild, train youths and women on skill acquisitions.
Malnutrition is recognized as a consequence of poverty since most of the world’s malnourished children live in the developing nations such as Africa, where those mostly affected are from low income families. And higher rates of infant mortality are found among countries that have inequitable distribution of wealth and income. When women are equipped with proper resources, they have the power to help families and communities escape poverty, which is in line with the United Nations first and eighth millennium development goals (MDGs).

Elshaddai Life Support Initiative
ELSI is a humanitarian organization partnering with Christ Ambassadors Ministries International – USA, to fight hunger, poverty and diseases. We specially focus on working with Children, Women and Youths, because they make up a greater percentage of the poorest and vulnerable in divers ways in our society, we help to rebuild lives.
ELSI has worked in communities to give hope to children, educate women and youths on prevention of the spread of diseases and the advantages of a safe and clean environment. Conduct mini health missions, which includes free cancer screening, free medical check-ups and treatment of minor illnesses for community members and skill acquisition empowerment programs. We want to see every child; youth and woman live a meaningful and purposeful life. The impact we have made was made possible through the generous efforts of individuals, corporations, partners, private foundations and donors.

To conduct baseline studies that will help in identifying the health needs of communities.
To promote the health of children through comprehensive range of primary health care services like Immunization programme awareness, Child Survival and Safe Motherhood Programme, Oral Rehydration Therapy and other health related programmes .
To prevent malnutrition and rehabilitate malnourished children so as to promote community management of acute malnutrition.
To organize women for initiating group action programmes in family planning and reproductive health, income generation, community work and to maintain a good family.
To establish a healthcare facility that will provide excellent and affordable medical care consistent with the needs of the communities where situated and also to reduce Maternal/Infant Morbidity and Mortality rate.
To provide Essential Drugs.
To create awareness about communicable/ non-communicable and vector-borne disease control measures through better hygiene and sanitation.
To Collaborate with other Bodies or Agencies Promoting Health.

Get Involved
You can give your time as we have field volunteers that visit communities to render poverty alleviation services to members of communities. You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. Get involved today, touch a soul. Any forms of donations are welcomed.
We carry out skill acquisition programs for women and youths such as16 bead and hat making, sewing, cake baking, hair and soap making for sustainability. If you are a professional in any of these fields, you can offer your services to help equip women and youths by contacting us at elsiinitiative@gmail.com

Our Mini Health Mission Program
Free Cervical Cancer Screening
Health Education Program for Pregnant Women on Malaria Prevention Practices

Ekene's Story
Working with women facing difficulties can be very depressing, seeing their devastating states. But the silent woes on their faces and the passion keeps you on. The pains that the lower class in the Nigerian society faces cannot be explained with words. Visiting the vulnerable in the remote communities will tell how much poverty has eaten deep into the fiber of our human existence.
She awaits the birth of her child with anxiety and fear, as the future looks bleak, yet one more mouth to feed. Ekene is just one of the thousands of women out there waking up to face each new dawn with a sigh and hoping help comes someday to put a silver lining on her cloud.
Ekene is an expectant mother living in a dilapidated building in the remote area of Ajibode, a settlement in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria without a job and a son to take care of. The husband a petty trader earns stipends that can barely carter for his family’s daily needs. Ekene was discovered at a malaria campaign program carried out in the community as she joined other women to obtain the free insecticide treated nets distributed to pregnant women by ELSI. Almost at her due date of delivery but without even a one time visit to the doctor, for any form of medical checkup. The traditional birth attendants would give her very little or no attention because she has no money to pay for their services despite how cheap they charge.
A Trip to the Rural Areas of Ogun State
Assessing the Health Status of Children Under 5 Years of Age
Africa Founder, Elshaddai Life Support Initiative
Ekikere Ademola McOyett is a Public Health Consultant with a Bachelors of Science degree in Human Anatomy from the College of Medicine, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. She later obtained a Masters in Public Health (MPH) at the Faculty of Public Health, University College Hospital, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Ekikere A. McOyett has worked with organizations to deliver comprehensive Maternal, Neonatal and Child health, Family planning, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Immunization Plus Days (IPDs) and Reproductive Health services. Working with different tiers of Government, Non-governmental organization, Partner agencies such as World Health Organization (WHO) and community stakeholders on program implementation, through advocacy, networking, mentoring and supportive supervision has made her familiar with the health care system and the issues pertaining to health care service delivery. She is also the Proprietress of Elshaddai Clinic and Maternity Centre which offers safe health care services to the members of it community.